or why I write a blog……
There are any number of reasons for people to write a blog, and this useful short article from Martin Weller of Open University gives his reasons for blogging. His own blog can be found here.
My reasons are multiple, but here’s a few of them:
1. A place to store ideas
Quite simply, this space provides me with a place to collect ideas, other links, references I may wish to follow up. This is the blog as a resource for the writer. the other reasons are less selfish.
2. To comment and communicate
A key part of my role, as I see it, is to be able to share my thoughts with colleagues across the institution and in my broader networks outside the university. Blogging provides a quick and easy way for me to comment on HE issues that are important to my role. Importantly, I leave the comments switched on on this blog. Social media should be about openness, so anyone can then comment and join in the discussion.
3.To Create
Every academic and manager in a university should be involved in creation of knowledge or in analysis and synthesis of others’ thoughts. Too often we forget to do this, and blogging is a way in which I can continue to write, to critique the ideas of others, and generate understanding that can be translated into my job here at the university.
4. To Share
Blogging is all about being open, so this is a simple one. If I (or anyone) goes down to London for a meeting, the cost to the University of travel and conference fees can easily be £500, ignoring any lost opportunity cost. In a world that relies on teamwork, collaboration and openness together with declining resources, it is only sensible that my notes and analysis of off-campus events are written up and shared with the widest possible audience
5. To develop networks
I advertise this blog via email to senior staff in my own university. I also have a wider readership, as I use Twitter to highlight new articles and drive readers towards them. Much of the discussion then goes on away from the blog, but it means I am still connected to a wider community of thinkers.
So my question is this – why wouldn’t you want to share your thoughts in an increasingly connected and open world?