Staffordshire University International Partnerships Conference

This week we hosted our first ever international partnerships conference, with delegates from all over the world, from our overseas partners.

The aim was to build relationships between our partners, and to discuss issues affecting transnational education, particularly quality assurance and enhancement. It was personally a great opportunity to meet up with colleagues and old friends I have worked with over the years, frequently through reviews, valdations and exam boards.

My keynote was around improving student outcomes and engagement, and I placed considerable emphasis on league tables, how they are constructed, and how we perform in them. League table position is a concern to us as well as to international partners, but hopefully I managed to shed some light on how they work, what we are doing to address the results, and where we actually do OK.

My slides can be seen on Slideshare, and meanwhile, here are some of the Twitter questions that came up during the talk.




